The Uganda National Medical Alliance for Prisoners’ Support (TUNMAPS) is a registered Non-governmental organization, and not for profit as by a group of Ugandan community rights activists and professionals in response to the ever increasing needs in all incarcerated and their families, ex-detainees, community and remand children, and other vulnerable members of the community living in difficult circumstances superseding the available interventions. TUNMAPS was thus established to protect, and bring care and support in response to prisoners and their families, community and remand children, refugees and war victims through humanitarian and advocacy support and  enable them enjoy their rights, and live their full potential and achieve a purposeful life.

The organization started after realizing that despite prisoners and their families being the most marginalized and stigmatized in their respective communities, they were not specifically targeted for support by the available social support systems like NGOs, CBOs and even Government sectarian programs. However, along the course of implementation, TUNMAPS realized that even those vulnerable groups and children who are mostly targeted for support by the available support mechanisms, their vulnerability far superseded the available support. This compelled TUNMAPS to look beyond its original target by inhaling Prisoners and their families for support.


Creating Safer Neighborhoods and Productive Citizens-by increasing the success rates of ex-offenders and prisoners and their families transitioning from correctional and rehabilitative institutions into the community, enjoy their rights and live to their full potentials resulting in to a free crime state and well living in the community


  • The mission is to promote public Health safety and reduce crime, restore hope by preparing offenders for success through a continuum of services and supervision, in collaboration with state and local partners, from the time of the offender’s entry into prison through his or her transition and reintegration in the community.
  • To work with and through individuals, families, communities, local governments and foreign agencies to contribute to the fundamental freedoms and basic needs of all incarcerated and their families.


  • The overarching goals of this plan are to reduce recidivism within Uganda by enhancing public safety of the prisoners and their families through civic and patriotic programs and ensure successful re-entry of returning citizens.
  • Empower all prisoners, their families, and ex-detainees to access justice, psycho-social support, quality basic needs and improved livelihood.


  1. Improve public health safety later, after offenders are released to the community by employing corrections’ best practices to reduce re-admissions to jail and ready the population to participate in their communities as civil and contributing members.

  2. Prepare inmates for community re-entry based on assessed risks and needs and anticipated time in detention, in partnership with public, private and non-profit providers; offer discharge planning to both pre-trial and sentenced inmates.

  3. To foster communication processes of all incarcerated and empower prisoners and their families access social and economic support, ensure stakeholders have a full understanding of the re-entry initiative in Uganda, sub-Saharan Africa and across the globe.

  4. Fundamental empowerment of prisoners’ families, ex-convicts, women and Girl child in communities to live self-sustainability.

Report on Achievements and Retention activities for TUNMAPS